tizu / Q&D Crypt

Need quick and dirty crypto utils, because the platform you're using is pretty limited or slow? If you're on something like ComputerCraft, feel free to use these if you got internet. Now, obviously, you shouldn't use these for serious purposes, as you're generating them on my end, but if it works for your use case, go ahead! Note that, if not provided, we default to a hardcoded passphrase, but we strongly recommend you to provide one yourself.

Generate key pair

Generate a public and private key, which gets returned as JSON

"<please send a request>"

RSA: Encrypt

Using a public key, encrypt a string using RSA

"<please send a request>"

RSA: Decrypt

Using a private key, decrypt a HEX-encoded RSA string

"<please send a request>"

Signature: Sign

Digitally sign a string with a private key, and return the signature

"<please send a request>"

Signature: Verify

Verify a signature with a public key

"<please send a request>"